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A Message To The Vice President-Elect Leni Robredo. From "MOCHA USON"

The official count of the votes of the Filipinos around the globe is at long last done. The general population have effectively talked and they have endowed their votes to the said authorities trusting that the nation would be directed to a change. 

The possible president will be Rodrigo Duterte and the approaching VP is Leni Robredo. Duterte took the races by a surprising margin while Leni took it by a hairline. 

Presently, a open letter was composed by Mocha Uson addressed to the approaching Vice President Leni Robredo. 

On the said letter, she said that the DDS (supporters of Duterte) is trusting that Leni would neglect her collusion with the Liberal Party and begin working for the general population of the Philippines. 

They made a point that the motivation behind why individuals chose Duterte is a result of the way that Filipinos are burnt out on the customary politicians.

Watch the video below

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